What causes gallbladder problems, and when should you see a doctor?

patient suffering from gallbladder problems

In many cases, gallbladder problems can be minor and not require any treatment. In others, they can be severe and warrant a trip to the hospital—and potentially, emergency surgery. This article discusses the common causes and symptoms of gallbladder issues, how conditions of the gallbladder are diagnosed, and the different treatments you may need to […]

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What are common appendicitis symptoms? Plus, how it is it treated


Appendicitis is a condition that results when your appendix, a small worm-like structure in the lower-right side of your abdomen, becomes inflamed. You may feel painful appendicitis symptoms if becomes infected, so it’s important to know the signs of an appendix infection to avoid this serious condition. Although your appendix—which hangs down from the large […]

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Gallbladder disease: will I need to have my gallbladder removed?

man holds his stomach because of pain from gallbladder disease

If you haven’t experienced them for yourself, you’ve probably at least heard of gallstones. You may even know someone who has had their gallbladder removed. But the overarching topic of gallbladder disease can be a confusing one, as it refers to a number of different conditions affecting the gallbladder. In this blog article, we’ll break […]

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The signs of appendicitis everyone should know

woman on a couch holding her abdomen because she is experiencing pain and other signs of appendicitis

Knowing the warning signs of appendicitis might help you avoid experiencing even worse symptoms or needing to get emergency care for a burst appendix. Worried you might have appendicitis?CALL YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY OR GO TO THE NEAREST EMERGENCY ROOM Nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, bloating, fever, sudden pain around your belly button … sometimes, that […]

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Diagnostic imaging exams explained

Doctor using ipad to look at medical imaging exam results

Ever wonder why your doctor recommended that you see a radiologist to get a diagnostic imaging exam? Providers order these procedures whenever they want to understand better what is happening inside a patient’s body—without doing surgery. If your physician thinks that you might have a specific condition, disease, or injury, sometimes they can use your […]

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