When you or a loved one are first diagnosed with cancer, an endless amount of questions might race through your head, and it can feel like there is so much left unanswered.
Here at the Logansport Memorial Cancer Care Center, our staff will provide you with honesty and hope while preaching mind over matter.
Basic cancer information
Searching for health information and answers online is one of the most common things many patients do after any diagnosis, especially a cancer diagnosis.
Although the information you can find on the web is sometimes correct, this process will often send you into an unnecessary panic.
Keep reading to find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions that newly diagnosed cancer patients ask, provided by our Cancer Care Center radiation oncologist Dr. John Marvel.
FAQs for recently diagnosed cancer patients
Am I going to beat this?
We are going to give our patients the full story: the good, bad, and the ugly.
I explain to my patients in depth where they are at with their cancer diagnosis. There usually is no simple answer to this question, which is why I look at the medical testing and provide them as much information about their cancer as possible.
I will always give them a straight story and often times that will give them a new realism, but still provides them with optimism.
Read breast cancer survivor stories
How many cancer treatments do I need? What are some of the side effects of cancer treatment?
Treatment plans will always be based on the kind of cancer a patient has.
A more aggressive cancer will require more aggressive treatment options. Side effects will depend on the treatment plan your cancer requires, and not everyone experiences the same side effects.
I will tell you what we are going to do, how we are going to do it, and what you can expect from your treatment.
Where can I find a medical oncologist? Radiation oncologist?
We have these providers right here.
It is common for patients to need a radiation oncologist and a medical oncologist for cancer treatment follow-ups.
How will smoking affect my cancer and treatments?
We always tell patients about the dangers of continuing to smoke while receiving treatments. Smoking can increase your pain and side effects from the treatment.
We go into a lot of detail as to why smoking is bad for you, especially when dealing with cancer, and we’ll help you quit.
What is the difference between a MRI, PET scan, and CT scan?
The kind of scan your doctor orders will depend on what they are looking for. You might need one over the other, or need a combination of them. It will all be based on what the doctor is trying to see.
Can I be treated for cancer here in Logansport, close-to-home?
Most of the time we will be able to treat you right here at our very own Cancer Center.
It can be important to stay close-to-home, where your support system is nearby. However, if we feel like you would be better served elsewhere for your specific kind of cancer, we will send you where you will get the most benefit out of your treatments.
We like to keep people close-to-home, but we also want them to receive the care they deserve and need.
What types of cancer services are available at the Logansport Memorial Cancer Center?
At our Cancer Center, we can provide the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art cancer treatment technology. We have a state-of-the-art linear accelerator machine.
We are also in close proximity to our surgery providers, our urologist, dermatologist, and the Wound Care Center with its hyperbaric oxygen chamber used for preventative measures for cancer-related wounds.
Not only can we provide you with the cancer treatment you need, we also have other available resources that might be needed in your treatment plan.
What can I expect from the Cancer Center?
You can expect caring nurses who are patient-focused and will guide you through the process.
They offer love (even tough love when needed), and will always make sure they explain everything in detail so you can understand exactly what you are going through.
The other physicians and I will always communicate with you about every option available and your current treatment plan. Even if we cannot “cure” you, we will always try to make you feel better.
Does Logansport Memorial Hospital have a cancer support group?
We have a support group for patients and families that meet here at the Cancer Center and discuss various topics and offer a strong support system for anyone affected by cancer.
Our support group meets the first Monday of every month.
Cancer care at Logansport Memorial Hospital
While these may be the most commonly asked questions, they are not the only questions asked when it comes to cancer.
At the only cancer center of its kind in north central Indiana, the team of dedicated experts at Logansport Memorial Hospital use sophisticated treatments and high-quality, cancer-fighting technologies to provide world-class, customized care that helps patients achieve the best possible outcome, no matter what type of cancer they’re battling.
Learn more about the Cancer Care Center
Going through cancer treatment can be an emotional journey. Our number one goal is to eliminate as many barriers as possible so that our patients can focus their energy on getting well.
We provide our patients with the option of staying close-to-home for high-quality care. At Logansport Memorial Hospital, you can receive advanced services and the same top-of-the-line treatments using technology and equipment that is also used in larger cities like Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and South Bend.
For questions about our cancer care services, call (574) 753-9000.