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Patient testimonial: Sabrina Aspinwall

At Logansport Memorial Hospital, we know there is no moment quite like bringing a new baby into the world. And we also know just how important it is to make sure that moment is comfortable and safe for mom and baby. Our highly-trained staff provides individualized care and nurturing throughout labor and delivery to make sure our moms are in the best hands possible. For Sabrina Aspinwall, this high level of care alleviated her fear and anxiety.

family photo

The story

First impressions matter, and that rings true for Sabrina and her experience with her first pregnancy.

“I had my first child two years ago at a different hospital and the experience was traumatizing,” shared Sabrina. “With my first baby, I had to have a C-section and suffered malpractice, so I had a lot of fear and anxiety about childbirth. After my first C-section, I truly didn’t know if I wanted to have kids again knowing that I would have to undergo another cesarean.”

When Sabrina found out she would be expecting another baby, she knew she had to make a switch to ensure she would get the care she was looking for and needed.

“My husband and I switched to Logansport Memorial Hospital and established with Dr. McClintock Glover. We were just hoping for a better experience and we got that and so much more. Before we made the switch, I had heard really good things about Logansport. I knew I wanted some place other than where I had my first, so I decided to go to Logansport, and I am SO glad we did.”

Logansport Memorial’s OB services follow you throughout your entire pregnancy, starting the moment you find out you’re pregnant. We provide personalized care for expecting families, because pregnancy is different for every woman.

“Throughout my entire pregnancy, Dr. McClintock Glover, Nurse Practitioner Rachel Emery, and the nurses were all amazing. My daughter had minor issues in the womb, and Dr. McClintock Glover stayed on top of everything, clearly explaining everything through the process, and alleviated any and every concern that I had. I can’t thank Dr. McClintock Glover and her team enough!”

As Sabrina’s pregnancy neared the end, her anxiety and fear from her first experience had her concerned about the cesarean she would need.

“I had really bad anxiety going back into surgery, but my anesthesiologist, Dr. Fletcher, was PHENOMENAL! He took the time to truly listen to the story about my first cesarean. He figured out what went wrong, and explained to me why I had the complications I did, and gave me his game plan on how that was NOT going to happen this time. In the cesarean surgery suite, he was attentive, continuously explaining the process as surgery went on, and he constantly checked on me — not just how I was feeling physically… I could tell that he genuinely cared about how I was feeling emotionally after having a bad experience the first time.”

After her experience with our Family Birth Center team, Sabrina’s outlook on pregnancy and childbirth has changed completely.

“With my first, I truly didn’t know if I wanted any more kids. After my experience with Dr. Fletcher, I would undergo ten more cesareans under his care. I cannot thank him enough!”

After delivery, families recover in the comfort of their own private maternity suite where they will remain for the duration of their stay. Our skilled team of nurses in the Family Birth Center help moms adjust after delivery and provide them with care and support, and make sure they have the tools they need for heading home.

“Once my daughter arrived, my husband, daughter, and I stayed in theBaby hospital for two days. During our stay. we were treated with great care by our nurses. I could not have prayed for better care and a better experience.”

A special thank you

Bringing new life into the world is a team effort, and Sabrina shared her appreciation for each person that made it possible.

“The first nurse I would like to thank is Courtney. She was one of the nurses in the operating room, and we also had her periodically over the next two days. I am so thankful for how caring and attentive she was during my surgery — for me, my husband, and our daughter. We couldn’t have asked for better care! I would also like to thank Amanda in the Lactation department. Not just after my birth, but through my pregnancy. Amanda would check in on me to see if I  needed anything or had any questions. She also helped me get a breast pump through insurance (which was not as easy as it might sound). She went above and beyond during our stay to help me feel confident in breastfeeding — frequently popping in to check on my daughter and me, and taking the time to discuss my questions and concerns.”

The difference in Sabrina’s care made all the difference in how she feels postpartum.

“I am thankful for each and every one of the individuals that helped make our experience the amazing blessing that it was. I’m also thankful to have this level of care so close to home. As two parents who work full-time, with now two still in diapers, we NEED the convenience and close proximity, and with Logansport Memorial — we have that. If/when we have another baby, there is no question which hospital and team we will choose. Thank you Logansport Memorial Hospital!”

Family Birth Center

Our team of board-certified OB/GYNs, pediatricians, caring nurses, and certified lactation consultants provides the comprehensive and personalized care that has earned us designation as a Baby-Friendly Hospital.

We’re proud to be right here in north-central Indiana, delivering obstetrics care that exceeds the expectations of families in our communities.


Family Birth Center virtual tour »

TOPICS: OB/GYN, Patient Testimonials